15 of the Most Annoying Social Media Habits

Have you ever opened Facebook, Instagram or Twitter and just wanted to start ripping your hair out or attack your computer, or just simply unfriend someone? What has caused this reaction in the past? In no particular order, here are 15 of the most annoying things people do, on Social Media. 

  1. Drama or cryptic messages about feeling . . . *depressed*
  2. Selfies. Gym selfies, bathroom selfies, sexy selfies, any selfies.
  3. The humblebrag
  4. Excessive use of #Tags
  5. Vaguebooking
  6. Gross pictures of food/food pics in general
  7. Baby Pics, Baby Footage, Baby everything.
  8. #Blessed
  9. Too Much Information (TMI)
  10. Getting a million online games invites
  11. Holiday-photo overkill
  12. Inspirational Quotes
  13. When someone posts a bad picture of you
  14. Photos of a disgusting injury
  15. Pregnancy updates every. single. day.

Sources: Wersm.com | Popsugar.com